#JacksonFamily Interviews Trennt Michaud – Jackson Ultima Skates
#JacksonFamily Interviews Trennt Michaud

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#JacksonFamily Interviews Trennt Michaud

The #JacksonFamily is a large family of skaters wearing Jackson product. Whether it be Matrix Blades, Ultima Blades, Jackson Skates or GAM Skates, skaters are encouraged to tag #JacksonFamily in their social posts and be a part of the largest skating family, from recreational to elite! Innovation, Development and most importantly FUN are the core fundamentals of #JacksonFamily.

In our interview series, we wanted to go behind the scenes and talk with some of our international competitors to get to know them a little bit better!

Today’s interview features Trennt Michaud, who skates pairs with Evelyn Walsh. 2017 saw the team win the Canadian Tire National Skating Championships & the Bavarian Open.

Trennt, tell us a little bit about yourself, where you came from, how long you’ve been skating, training grounds, coaches etc.

I’m 20 years old and I’m from Trenton, Ontario. I began skating when I played Timbits hockey! I was actually one of the worst skaters out there! Funny story, I remember I would get the puck taken away from me by another kid, and I would throw my stick because I hated losing the puck. Pretty sure I was the only Timbit player to get a penalty!

I then switched to CanSkate and now I’ve been skating for 11 years and competitively for 7. I have competed in both pair and singles until this past season where I switched all of my focus to pairs! I’ve been training at the London Competitive Skating Centre for the past three years under my coach Alison Purkiss with my partner Evelyn Walsh.

It’s been a whirlwind of a season, Junior National Champions, Bavarian Open Champions, & a trip to Jr Worlds coming up. With all that, what would you say has been your favorite moment of the season so far?

A whirlwind is definitely a good way to describe it! Evelyn and I had a late start to the season as we didn’t team up until August, and ever since then everything has happened so fast. I think the first time that I really got to step back and look at the season so far was after we had skated at the Bavarian Open. We had a day in between our short and long so we took a trip up the mountain! Evelyn and I did an overhead lift on top of a mountain in the German alps it was a perfect time to reflect on what a cool and crazy adventure this year has been. That feeling of amazement at what you’re looking at, coupled with the feeling of accomplishment that goes with competing in what you love to do…and the fun of sharing that moment with Evelyn — we both felt so grateful for everything that had led us to that point.

What are some of your hobbies outside of skating?

Outside of skating when it’s nice out I like to rollerblade or golfing. I also hunt, love four wheeling, coffee, DBZ and fixing skates.

⚡️Lightning Round ⚡️

Window or Aisle Seat? Aisle (mainly because my partner or coach takes the window)

Favorite Restaurant? Mongolian Grill or Va Piano

Favorite Athlete, Role Model? Tom Brady & Dylan Moscovitch

Figure Skating’s Class Clown? Kurt Browning

What does #JacksonFamily mean to you?

When you’re part of the #JacksonFamily, you can really feel it. From the amazing products, to other skaters who wear them as well. The thing that makes Jackson different from the rest of the industry is how much time and care they put into their products and making sure us as skaters are receiving the best possible product and care that we need so we can capture our goals! I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of #JacksonFamily!

Trennt’s Equipment: Elite 5252 Boots & Matrix Elite Blades

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