#JacksonFamily Interviews with Zachary Lagha
Quick intro! Tell us a little bit about yourself, where you’re from, when and why you started skating?
I am from Montreal and I was born in the great city of Greenfield Park! I started skating at the age of 4-years-old. My sister was already skating, so my parents registered me to skate at the same time on the same ice. I remember at the start, I was not that happy about it…and after 15 minutes, I would ask to leave the ice. So after 2 lessons, my mom decided to put a hold this whole skating thing for 6 months! I then started again and the rest is history.
What are some of your hobbies and how do you balance other things in your life with being an elite athlete? Rumors say you are an accomplished pianist!?
I don’t have much time to relax, but when I can, I enjoy playing and watching tennis and soccer. To be a pianist makes me feel more complete as a human being. It is also such a pleasure to be able to play any music I hear and like. I feel really lucky to be a musician.
Tell us a bit about your highlight or proudest moment as a skater?
For me, my proudest moment was last season at Junior Worlds in Sofia because I really felt that Marjorie and I raised our skating-level in terms of maturity and connection.
What can we anticipate from you and Marjorie in the 2018/2019 season?
We would like to be able to compete in Canada for the Grand Prix Final and finish on the podium. And finish on the podium at Junior Worlds at the end of the year as well.
⚡️Lightning Round ⚡️
- Favorite food: Pizza
- Favorite animal: Lynx
- Favorite place to compete: Taipei, Taiwan
- Favorite place to visit: Brisbane, Australia
- Window or aisle: Aisle
- Favorite colour: Red
- Favorite season: Winter
What does your equipment and the #JacksonFamily mean to you?
I am really pleased to wear Jackson equipment! The quality of their gear is awesome. I like the fact that they are always looking for feedback to improve their materials. For me, being part of the #JacksonFamily makes me feel proud! Go Jackson or go nothing!
Zachary’s Equipment: Apex Dance Blades