Finding The Right Pair Of Ice Skates
Choosing the right skates may seem like a tough task. There are many variables in the mix, so let’s take you through some scenarios:
What are the elite wearing? What do my friends use? What does my coach suggest? Do I have enough support? What size do I buy for growing room?
All these issues come in play when shopping for new figure skates. Put your mind to ease and let the experts help you answer some common questions!
“The Most Expensive Are The Best”
Figure skates are designed for various levels of skating. A skater with triple to quad jumps wouldn’t wear what a recreational pond skater wears would they? A boot that is too soft will not support the skater for the elements they are working on. And vice versa. A boot that is too stiff restricts proper knee bend thus minimizing energy transfer into jumps and spins. You can actually hinder your skating by being in the wrong level of skate.
Don’t let sticker price and trends be the determining factor. You need to find the right pair of skates for your level of skating. Height, weight, age and skill — all factor into this equation. Try on a variety of skates on with your local retailer. This way you can see and feel what works best for you.
“Do I Have Enough Support? What is too much?”
Like we said above, a boot too soft will have you falling over constantly. While a boot too stiff may hold you upright, it will end up restricting proper knee bend. Skates that are too stiff will not allow you to learn skating skills and proper technique. Over-booting is a common issue that will hinder your ability to progress through lessons.
Get the right boot for you.
“I Need A Larger Size For Growing Room!”
When you have extra space in an ice skate, you increase the chances of premature breakdown and injury. Most skate techs will recommend at MAXIMUM adding a half size for growth.
Figure skaters are balancing their entire body on a few millimeters of blade and need to be in control of their skates at all times. Extra space in the boot allows the foot to move inside the skate. The result of movement is blisters, calluses and bone spurs — PAIN! And everyone’s had that one pair of shoes that’s too painful to wear. Avoid all that with the proper fit.
Extra space can also cause the boot to prematurely break down. Gaps where the boot is not snug around the foot can cause the boot to bend in and break.
Make sure to work with an authorized retailer to help get the proper fit. Heat molding and boot adjustments by the experts will relieve areas of pressure, commonly misunderstood as the skate being too small.
“This Is What My Coach Recommended”
Your coach knows you and your skating skills the best. They are entrusted experts helping you develop! Since they understand your tendencies, they will be able to make recommendations based on your skating abilities.
Listen to their recommendations and trust their knowledge. Most have long lasting relationships with regional skate technicians who know their preferences too. Together, they are super team with a wealth of knowledge to fit you right.
For more boot questions, check out JacksonUltima.com and learn more about our extensive selection of skates!